If you want to show off or need feedback on your portfolios, you should post on Sundays, and Sundays only.

Therefore posts of NSFW React apps must link to source, not to the live NSFW app. We ask that NSFW posts nevertheless focus on the technology rather than the content. links to NSFW apps built with React) but try not to be prudes. Please link some source code (or if not possible, we understand, link some live demo or codepen so that people can try you out and learn from you) 6. We're all here to learn from you, but can't learn very much from a video recording. Demos should link source code or live demos If you need further guidelines on spam, see Reddit's guidelines on Spam. Per Reddit guidelines for self-promotion, you are definitely welcome to promote your own content as part of your participation in this community, but if you repeatedly post low quality crap you will be banned. Telling people to "get out" of the industry or that they are not good enough in some shape or form is a bannable offense. Reasoned criticism of React or any other library is welcome, but spare us your rants. Polite or Constructive criticism is welcome but don't rag on other people's work or attempts to improve themselves. Interested in building mobile apps using React Native? Check out /r/reactnative! Rules 1. A community for learning and developing web applications using React by Facebook.